数学分布及分析计算表 以前从338B标准整理出来的,再摘录如下,供大家参考,详细的可见原贴附件:
5.3.1 正态分布(高斯分布)
Normal (or Gaussian) Distribution MIL-HDBK-338B PAGE 90
1)用于分析由于磨损(如机械装置)而发生的帮障产品.(磨损故障往往最接近正态分布) 2)对制造的产品及性能是否符合规范进行分析.
5.3.3 Lognormal Distribution 对数正态分布The lognormal distribution is the distribution of a random variable whose natural logarithm is distributed normally; in other words, it is the normal distribution with ln t as the variate. The density function is
对数正态分布是其随机变量的自然对数按正态分布的一种分布,也就是说,它是正态分布,其变量为Ln t
The lognormal distribution is used in reliability analysis of semiconductors and fatigue life of certain types of mechanical components. This distribution is also commonly used in maintainability analysis and will be further discussed in Section
5.3.4 Exponential Distribution 指数分布 MIL-HDBK-338B PAGE 100
This is probably the most important distribution in reliability work and is used almost exclusively for reliability rediction of electronic equipment (Ref. MIL-HDBK-217). It describes the situation wherein the hazard rate is constant which can be hown to be generated by a Poisson process. This distribution is valuable if properly used. It has the advantages of
Some particular applications of this model include
(1) Items whose failure rate does not change significantly with age
(2) Complex and repairable equipment without excessive amounts of redundancy
(3) Equipment for which the early failures or "infant mortalities" have been eliminated byburning in the equipment for some reasonable time period
The failure density function is
5.3.5 Gamma Distribution 伽马分布 page 101
The gamma distribution is used in reliability analysis for cases where partial failures can exist,i.e., when a given umber of partial failures must occur before an item fails (e.g., redundant systems) or the time to second failure when the time to failure is exponentially distributed. The failure density function is
伽马分布还可以用于描述一升或下降的瞬时故障率 α>1,h(t)上升, α<1时h(t)下降
5.3.6 Weibull Distribution 威布尔分布 page 104 (注:这个最强大,因为参数的改变,可以转换成其它几个分布类型,所以可靠性里常用这个来,有些可靠性商业软件也有此模块.)
The Weibull distribution is particularly useful in reliability work since it is a general distribution which, by adjustment of the distribution parameters, can be made to model a wide range of life distribution characteristics of different classes of engineered items.
One of the versions of the failure density function is
在可靠性工作中威布尔分布非常有用,因为它是通用分布,通过调整分布参数就可以构成这种分布,以便为不同类别的工程项目的各种寿命分布特性建立模型.故障密度函数的一种形式是: Binomial Distribution 二项分布 PAGE 106
The binomial distribution is used for those situations in which there are only two outcomes, such as success or failure, and the probability remains the same for all trials. It is very useful in reliability and quality assurance work. The probability density function (pdf) of the binomial distribution is
f(x) is the probability of obtaining exactly x good items and (n-x) bad items in a sample of n items where p is the probability of obtaining a good item (success) and q (or 1-p) is the probability of obtaining a bad item (failure).
The binomial is useful for computing the probability of system success when the system employs partial redundancy. Assume a five channel VHF receiver as shown in Figure 5.3-3.
As long as three channels are operational, the system is classified as satisfactory. Thus, two channel failures are allowed. Each channel has a probability of 0.9 of surviving a 24 hour operation period without failure. What is the probability that the receiver will survive a 24 hour mission without loss of more than two channels?
In a large lot of component parts, past experience has shown that the probability of a defective part is 0.05. The acceptance sampling plan for lots of these parts is to randomly select 30 parts for inspection and accept the lot if 2 or less defectives are found. What is the probability, P(a), of accepting the lot?
5.3.8 Poisson Distribution 泊松分布 PAGE108
This distribution is used quite frequently in reliability analysis. It can be considered an extension of the binomial distribution when n is infinite. In fact, it is used to approximate the binomial distribution when n≥ 20 and p≤ 0.05.
If events are Poisson distributed, they occur at a constant average rate and the number of events occurring in any time interval are independent of the number of events occurring in any other time interval. For example, the number of failures in a given time would be given by
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