上海交通大学 硕士学位论文 姓名:季红霞
摘 要: 本文以液晶电视产品为研究对象,在对市场同类产品失效分析的基础上对公司开发的产品进行可靠性试验方法的研究,旨在获得产品可靠性指标的同时,建立一套系统的,合理的适合公司开发的液晶电视产品的加速寿命试验方案,从而更好地对所开发的产品进行质量控制。介绍了可靠性研究的发展历史和国内外可靠性发展现状,可靠性研究的主要内容以及家用电器可靠性的发展。利用工业工程方法,通过对市场上液晶电视产品的失效情况的统计分析,结合公司产品的可靠性现状,建立液晶电视可靠性故障树,为其可靠性试验设计提供依据。
This thesis takes the LCD TV products as the object of study. Based on the failure analysis of the kindred products in the market, the thesis will carry on the research of the reliability test for the products which the company currently developed. The aim for the research is to set up a reasonable, systemic solution which can accelerate the life-time testing of LCD TV products. At the same time, we can get the reliability indicators. That will better strengthen the quality control for the developed products. The thesis also introduce the history, present situation, main content & development of the reliability research for those home electric appliance. kekaoxing.com. By using the industry & engineering method, statistic analysis for those failure LCD
TV products and combine the reliability situation for the company’s products, this thesis set up a fault tree for the LCD TV. That will provide the foundation of the reliability testing.
So as to verify the feasibility & rationality of the accelerating test, the test will be proceeded by two groups. One is the life-time testing under the normal stress while the other one is the life-time testing under the accelerated
stress situation. The former one is performed to verify the latter one. The normal stress test is the same as the accelerated life-time test except the stress test. It is to say the samples will be taken from the same batch products. And the test procedure & the criterion of failure is the same as well. So, theoretically speaking, the life-time distribution pattern for each sample should be same.
The accelerated life-time test will be finished by using the temperature accelerated factor and definite truncation. Adopting the Arlen Ness accelerating statistics pattern, firstly assume the products obey the indicator or Weibull life distribution, then start the indicator distribution test and Weibull distribution test by the test data.
The test data is processed by the methods of point estimation & interval estimation. By the process of the accelerating life-time test data, we can get the reliability life-time factor under normal stress. Then compare it with the test data under normal stress, that can verify the feasibility of the accelerated
testing project.
KEY WORDS: reliability, LCD TV, test research, accelerated life-time test
第一章 绪论
1.1 可靠性工程概述
1.1.1 可靠性研究的起源
可靠性工程起源于军事领域,是适应武器装备的需要而发展起来的。人们运用“可靠性”的概念已有很长的历史,但作为一门单独的学科,大量地、有组织地对其进行研究还是二战以后的事情。在二战中,美军运往远东的军事装备由于存在可靠性方面的问题,有50%以上不能在战争中发挥应有的作用,其中尤其以电子装置的故障情况更为严重[1]。空军由于飞机故障而损失的飞机达21000 架,比被击落的飞机多1. 5 倍,这种由于装备可靠性差而遭受重大损失的沉痛教训使美国认识到了可靠性的科学技术价值、实际意义和极端重要性。因而从1943 年开始,由学术界、军队、生产厂联合组成小组投入大量的人力、物力、财力对军事装备的可靠性进行研究[3]。德国在开发V1, V2 火箭时,也意识到了可靠性问题,1943 年德国火箭专家R.Lusser 用概率设计法则,算出了V2 火箭诱导系的可靠度为0.75,首次用定量的方式表达了可靠性。由于R.Lusser 在可靠性研究方面的突出成就,人们称他为“可靠性之父”。可以说第二次世界大战战争的需要导致了历史上可靠性研究的开端。
战后的美国加快了可靠性研究的步伐。1949 年,美国无线电学会成立了可靠性技术小组,1950 年,美国三军成立了可靠性工作组[4]。1952 年美国国防部成立了“电子设备可靠性咨询小组AGREE (Advisory Group on Reliability of Electronic Equipment) ”,对军用设备的可靠性问题进行系统的调查研究,于1957年6 月发表了著名的AGREE 报告(军用电子设备可靠性报告),报告全面地总结 了电子设备的失效现象及原因,提出了一套比较完整的评价产品可靠性的理论和方法,明确了在研制及生产过程中对产品的可靠性进行试验、验证和鉴定的方法,以及电子产品在生产、包装、储存及运输等方面要注意的问题和要求等,从而确定了美国可靠性研究的方向,构筑了可靠性工程学的总体框架。这个报告被公认为是可靠性研究领域中一个划时代的、奠基性的文件。从此,可靠性发展成为一门独立的工程学科。