浪涌测试仪 代理德国进口PTL浪涌测试仪 EN60065浪涌测试仪 深圳市奥德赛创公司供应德国原装进口PTL浪涌测试仪,型号:H06.10, 满足标准:EN60065和EN60950-1相关标准 要测试绝缘,电阻器和电容器/ RC单位电源家用和类似用途的电子和相关设备的浪涌强度 PTL Surge Test Apparatus To test the surge strength of insulations, resistors and capacitors/RC-units in mains operated electronic and related apparatuses for household and similar general use according to EN 60065 :2005-12 § 10.1 and § 14.1a) Fig. 5a and Fig. 5b, EN 60950-1 :2005-12 § and § 7.4.2 Fig. N.2 Design: 1. Housing papyrus-white structure varnished, width 505 mm, depth 480 mm, height 720 mm, 2.control unit in 19" rack, testing cabinet with polycarbonate panes and safety switches, 3.all parts in the testing cabinet made of insulating materials, 4.for connection to 230 V AC, 50 Hz PTL的浪涌测试仪 为了测试绝缘,电阻器和电容器的浪涌强度/RC-台电源操作电子及相关设备为家用和类似用途 根据 EN60065:2005-12§10.1和§14.1a)所示。图5a和图5B, EN60950-1:2005-12§和§7.4.2所示。N.2 设计: 光油1房莎草纸白色结构,宽505毫米,深 480毫米,高度720毫米, 在19“机架,机柜测试2,控制单元 聚碳酸酯面板开关和安全开关, 3,所有部件的测试柜由绝缘材料制成的, 无折连接到230伏交流电,50赫兹