Process Instrumentation Technical Specialist (职位编号:90889727)1.5-2万/月
武汉 | 5-7年经验 | 本科 | 招1人 | 06-06发布
免费班车年终奖金 申请职位 职位信息 Description:
This product focused position performs established technical tasks at the sub-system and/or component level for current and future products within a given business unit or corporate area. This involves work across many steps in the product life cycle. Because of the product centered nature of this position, they are very often a central point of coordination and decision making between product line engineers, customer teams, systems engineers, purchasing, suppliers and manufacturing.Obtains input from stakeholders such as technical managers, project leaders, other product and manufacturing engineers and supplier partners to deliver information and recommendations that lead to quality product decisions.Applies academic knowledge and existing experience to take action and make decisions that progress projects forward without sacrificing project quality expectations. Examples of these decisions include day to day project details, analysis or test work instruction details, coordination across discipline areas that are necessary to make quality progress.Applies and improves processes such as Engineering Standard Work (ESW), iDFMEA, Failure Incident Review Group (FIRG) and tools such as 7-step problem solving, design review checklist and other specialized tools required to support the processes and enable high quality decision making.Provides independent leadership of smaller business impact projects or ownership of complex components, products, systems or services with greater elements of ambiguity over the senior or lead engineer level and with full accountability to the project team.Delivers independent execution of established and emerging work processes and systems, while still developing technology or product knowledge.Leads the development and improvement of work processes and systems across a functional discipline area within a business unit site.Coordinates and directs work amongst technicians and temporary student employees, assists in the transfer of knowledge to lesser experienced engineers through either indirect (scope of influence) or direct management of a small, local group of engineers.Provides support and guidance to influence technical direction within a project team and continues to develop proficiency in the competency areas critical to success in the role.Operates as a recognized specialist in a discipline or product area within the immediate team.
Qualification & Experience:
Product Problem Solving – Solves product problems using a process that protects the customer; determines the assignable cause; implements robust, data-based solutions; and identifies the systemic root causes and recommended actions to prevent problem reoccurrence.Product Verification and Validation Management – Develops product systems validation plans from a variety of inputs to identify failure modes, while managing product risk and relative priority; negotiates product requirements against capability to guide project scope; evaluates analytical, simulation and physical test results to verify product capability and validate requirements; assesses legacy versus proposed system solution capabilities and produces recommendations with technical documentation to support product decisions.Product Failure Mode Avoidance – Mitigates potential product failure modes, by identifying interfaces, functions, functional requirements, interactions, control factors, noise factors, and prioritized potential failure modes and potential failure causes for the system of interest to effectively and efficiently improve the reliability of Cummins’ products.Product Development Execution, Monitoring and Control – Plans, schedules, coordinates and executes the activities involved in developing a product to a respectively aligned hierarchy of requirements and technical profiles; monitors and communicates across functional boundaries to meet project resource and quality expectations; ensures product capability meets or exceeds expectations and takes mitigating actions when project risks are higher than expected; understands the full product life cycle process and stakeholders.Technical Documentation – Documents information based on knowledge gained as part of technical function activities; communicates to stakeholders with the goal of enabling improved technical productivity and effective knowledge transfer to others who were not originally part of the initial learning.Technical Documentation – Documents information based on knowledge gained as part of technical function activities; communicates to stakeholders with the goal of enabling improved technical productivity and effective knowledge transfer to others who were not originally part of the initial learning.Decision quality – Making good and timely decisions that keep the organization moving forward.Drives results – Consistently achieving results, even under tough circumstances.Communicates effectively – Developing and delivering multi-mode communications that convey a clear understanding of the unique needs of different audiences.Builds networks – Effectively building formal and informal relationship networks inside and outside the organization.Resourcefulness – Securing and deploying resources effectively and efficiently.Manages complexity – Making sense of complex, high quantity, and sometimes contradictory information to effectively solve problems.
Education, Licenses, Certifications
College, university, or equivalent Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or other relevant technical disciplines is required.This position may require licensing for compliance with export controls or sanctions regulations.
Prior Senior or Lead Engineer equivalent work experience in a relevant discipline area is required with a demonstrated track record of technical problem solving and quality decision making. Knowledge of MS Office tools is preferred.Responsible for the instruments and gauge selection as well as the sensors/valves/pumps selection according to the given process parametersBe able to setup connection to the instrument industry locally and globallyBe able to maintain the instruments/gauges/sensors/valves/pumps via documentation to application engineering teamBe capable to evaluate the process safety and functional safety and create the technical safety requirements regarding the SIS design
康明斯中国荣获2016前程无忧“典范雇主”及HREC 2016中国员工价值福利大奖。
● 正直诚信:言出必行,恪守准则
● 多元包容:兼听则明,多元制胜
● 互助关爱:他人福祉,铭记于心
● 团队协作:协作共赢,创造佳绩
作为康明斯在中国市场的长期战略之一,康明斯东亚研发有限公司是康明斯有限公司和东风康明斯发动机有限公司共同投资组建的合资企业,也是外资柴油机企业在华设立的***家技术研发中心。公司坐落在武汉经济开发区内,主要提供柴油及压缩天然气发动机、发电设备以及过滤/排气元件的研究开发和实验发展(包括为研发活动服务的中间试验),以及工程技术服务和支持(“技术服务”)。 技术服务包括:适应性开发、产品开发、货源鉴定、供应商开发、排放测试、认证服务、客户应用工程设计以及针对中国市场的***解决方案的开发。康明斯与东风公司合作设立的康明斯东亚研发有限公司的成功奠基标志着中国市场在康明斯全球研发战略地位的重大提升,对中国发动机产业的技术进步和关键研发人才的培养起到推动作用。公司将本着立足中国,面向国际的研发方针,充分利用中国市场的巨大容量,开发不仅能够满足国内市场需求,而且具有一流国际竞争力的新一代发动机平台。